Reviews / FAQ
Why Choose Hendrikus Organics Products?
Few companies offer granulated fertilizers – because it increases costs. We feel granulation is critical, and the only way, other than liquid fertilizers, to guarantee even distribution of nutrients throughout your crops, gardens or lawns. We consciously choose ingredients that have the lowest heavy metal contents, striving to be well below maximum background standards because we care about soil, environmental and personal health.
We do not use animal manures in our products in order to guarantee an excellent product that has a steady stream of nutrients.
Simplicity of application – balanced blends cover all the types of plant materials, turf, soils and climatic conditions
Blended to provide a complete array of nutrient sources, with added soil microbes (beneficial bacteria, fungi and mycorrhizae)
Granulated, even distribution of nutrients, easy application – no dust
No animal manure or waste products
Enjoyable coffee-like odor, no unpleasant “organic” smell, like most other organic fertilizers
One of the lowest in heavy metals count exceeding WSDA organic standards by 75 to 98% for most ingredients
Time tested & proven for over 25 years by Hendrikus in his award winning projects
Custom blended for both immediate and long lasting results offering maximum benefit in fewer applications than other fertilizers, organic or chemical
Continual research to keep our formulas the best available
Cost savings with continued use through improved soil and plant conditions that need less fertilizer to maintain health
Locally owned and manufactured
Designed with knowledge of local climatic & soil conditions
Safe for family & pets: contains no toxins, only safe, natural and organic ingredients. Can enjoy garden right after application.
Safe for wild life: no poison damage that results in death, retardation, genetic mutation, deformity and low birth rates
Safe for fish: our fertilizers combined with living healthy soils will not leach into lakes, streams or ponds
Does not pollute our soil or drinking water
Share of our profits are re-invested into local and national groups that support organic environmental and personal health
We exclusively use Hendrikus Organics fertilizers in our projects …and the Hendrikus Organics programs of soil building, fertilizing and plant care for years. The results are outstanding.
Britton Shepard,
Owner Elan Landscaping
We are using Hendrikus Organics fertilizers and spray programs in our landscape maintenance business. It is effective and reliable. Hendrikus has certainly established himself as the pioneering leader in the organic landscape field.
Evan Pease,
Owner Eden Lawn and Garden
I highly recommend Hendrikus Organics blends because I am familiar with their outstanding properties. They are balanced blends of mineral soil and organic amendments with consistent quality that can be depended upon to produce vigorous and healthy plant growth.
Sandra Hawegawa Ingalls,
Landscape Architect
Soil Foodweb Inc. has tested samples of Hendrikus Organics … products are specifically designed to enhance disease-suppressive, nutrient-retaining, nutrient-cycling and soil structure building organisms. They will result in nutrients remaining in the soil instead of leaching into surface and ground water… will lead to improvement in water-quality in urban and suburban areas.
Dr. Elaine Ingham,
Chief Scientist,
Rodale Institute
Your Seasons Fertilizer is wonderful stuff. We have had a great response from the public you have tried it.
Katie Burkii,
Former Head Gardner,
Lakewood Gardens,
Lakewood, WA
We have had fabulous results with your fertilizers! Like no other! I tell you, I’ve tried about every other organic brand around. The results were OK, but none were as good as Hendrikus Organics!
Head Gardener & Farmer, Herbfarm Restaurant,
Woodinville, WA
Hendrikus Organic products have really made an enormous difference in my garden. The health, size, vigor and yield have all dramatically increased since I started using their products a few years ago. People keep asking me “What’s your secret?” Besides a passion for gardening, I think Hendrikus Organics can take a lot of the credit!
Helen Glazier,
Seattle Food Gardener,
Seattle, WA
There is no question, Hendrikus Organics fertilizers are worth the cost!
Gregory Smaus,
Native Root Design
We used Hendrikus Organics at the Highline Botanical Gardens …they made the garden look exceptionally healthy, and the results were so we will use them on the entire garden next year.
Lonnie Garceau,
Former President Seattle
Rose Society &
Rainy Rose Society
The difference in our garden at Emerald Downs after using Hendrikus Organics Bouquet & HuMagic is astounding! …we’ve had so many positive comments about our roses since we began using them last year. The canes are stronger, the blooms healthier and firmer and the overall rose health is greatly improved. We are all very pleased.
Sue Tiffany,
Former President Rainy Rose Society, Garden Manager Emerald Downs Rose Garden
HuMagic – yes! It did indeed work magic on the Children’s Garden Rolling Lawn last year. We applied it in April and the soil really stayed much softer and the grass greener all summer, despite hundred (or thousands) or runs and rolls down it, and a year of pounding rain and sun.
Emily Bishton,
City of Seattle Director & Teacher, Magnuson Community Center Nature Programs
We are thrilled with the results of using Hendrikus Organics on the violas. The contrast between the organic Hendrikus-fed violets and those chemically fed is striking. The Hendrikus-fed plants are much healthier looking, with new growth and great leaf color, even in the dead of winter, and little to no moss buildup. We are convinced that using Hendrikus Organics is the right choice for the viola propagation program – and for feeding the hungry butterfly larvae.
Katrina Lindahl,
Horticulturist, Head of Interior Exhibits & Project Manager on Native Violet for the Oregon Silverspot Butterfly Conservation Project
We used your StartRight Seed Starter & Transplant Food. Wow, the difference is amazing. The ones we treated with your products are about 5 times the size of the other plants. Plus they are much healthier and robust. Now the kids really understand the power of soil biology.
Tracy Landboe,
Environmental Sciences Teacher, Roosevelt High School
We switched our WSDA Certified Organic Blueberry Farm over to Hendrikus Organics products a few years ago and are very pleased with the results. Use of their OrganoBloom and HuMagic have provided striking improvements in health and vigor of the plants, as well as increases in yield and flavor. It is a joy to work with such a knowledgeable soil guru as Hendrikus, and a company that espouses the same values about the health of the earth and its relationship to healthy, flavorful food, and consequently, healthy people. Acieving the best flavor for our berries is a top priority, so Hendrikus Organics helps us maintain this goal – and the Blue Ribbons we win each year at the Clallum County Fair!
Dave Howat "Blueberry Dave",
Dungeness Meadow Farms, Sequim, WA
Frog Hollow Farm applied the Hendrikus Organics Fertilizer “Triad” on our stressed saplings, and saw immediate results! Dark green BIG leaves, many new branches, thicker trunks. I have never seen such amazing growth. By the end of the year the trees were 6 feet tall with good branching. It was the best first-leave growth of all my 40 years of growing peaches.
Farmer Al, Owner, Frog Hollow Farms, California