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Simple & Easy Organic Fertilizers/ Soil Builders for all Seasons

Organic nutrients are just a spoke in a wheel in a landscape.  Cultural practices and the soil type make a huge difference.   When you don't amend your soil or feed it properly you never really have healthy plants or turf.   This leads to insect,  disease, and other problems.  Then people often turn to chemicals to fix these problems.  Don't let an advertisement  you hear on TV, Radio, or you read on your phone convince you to apply chemicals!!  Companies that sell synthetic nutrients  & chemical products or organic based (Some organic mixed, but still cheap organics or chemicals)  just want to sell you products and not improve the soils and protect our sensitive ecosystem!  Everyone's yard is habit for wildlife and don't apply anything that could damage our soil or pollute our sensitive water.  Make your soil healthy and your plants  & turf will be too!  Chemicals are not the answer and testing with our products over  the last decade continues to get great results because these products work!!  But, understanding the limitations of organics in different conditions is key for them to work correctly.  Our products have no cheap fillers and only the best nutrients available.   Very low odor, very low dust, and pure organic products you will love!  

100% Organic Soil Feeders 

Transitioning from synthetics and organics for lawns  &  plants start with Nitrogen Plus 10-0-2.  Will get it done in all lawn and plant conditions and give the plant some organic nitrogen and slow release organic nitrogen too.  Also a great product to use for new lawns,  renovations, damaged areas in lawns, and wet areas coming out of spring that are yellow.   Will work down to 50 degrees,  and you don't need to apply synthetics to green up your lawn.  You will love the results of this product and never go back to synthetics.       


When you have transitioned to an organic  lawn Seasons 8-0-4 is the answer going forward.  A lawn doesn't have to grow like crazy!   A green and heathy lawn with consistent growth week after week and never looks like it needs to be fertilized is what we want.  Seasons will get is done week after week.   NO more peaks and valleys with cheap synthetic nutrient's that don't feed the microbes or have any value to the soil.  For New turf installations &  Existing lawns  click on our Turf Program and apply Restore Soils Sun & Shade Turf Seed.


Balanced organic fertilizer for trees, shrubs, flowers, and a starter for new lawns.   A favorite of many gardeners out there and Complete 6-4-4 gets it done in all soil conditions!  A balanced application of nutrient's to feed your soil!  Produces beautiful flowers, healthy plants, and works great as a new starter fertilizer for lawns.  You can can't go wrong with Complete 6-4-4!  For new plantings or existing plants click on our Plant Programs for more information. 

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When you need nutrients faster for new flowers, gardens, roses, and other flowering plants you need  Organobloom 5-2-4.   It has high amounts of Alfalfa Meal that will break down faster,  but also fishmeal and feathermeal for a longer feeding.  You will love the results of this product.   It is the best option for indoor plants too.   Very low odor and can be applied on top of the soil or mixed in.  

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         100% Natural Soil Builder 

HuMagic is a gift from Mother Nature to help rebuild our soils to their original sate.  HuMagic is naturally forming in healthy soils over thousands of years.   But, after development it's removed with the topsoil and your soil can't be healthy without.   It can be mixed in the soils during installations of plants and turf or  top dressed on existing soils near the root system.  Also a potting soil rejuvenator for outside and indoor pots.  It will add life and Humic Acid to the soil.  For more information click here.  

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